Jun 22, 2012

Our Star Readers...& more

Naomi Spiteri, Shania Busuttil, Michaela T. Attard, Craig Gauci and Nikita Tabone have been awarded a special certificate for reading 25 books or more during the past scholastic year.  Well done boys and girls.  Keep on reading.... even during the summer months!

Timothy Stivala was also awarded a certificate for his enthusiasm and great spirit shown during sports or outdoor activities.  Maisie Ellul was awarded a special certificate for the most well-kept folders  and project books.  Well done both of you and keep it up!!!
Meanwhile Leandros Catania, Maisie Ellul and Naomi Spiteri have been named students of the month for May 2012.  Craig Gauci, Gabriele Xerri and Kylie Muscat have also been given a certificate for their excellent work as Eco-Council members during the past scholastic year.  Well done!


Maisie Ellul said...

Dear Mr.J.Tabone,
it was great to receive this certificates,I had put them in my file.
thanks so much


Mr. J. Tabone said...

Well done Maisie... You should be proud of your certificates!

Keep it up :)
