Oct 29, 2009

Halloween 2009

We celebrated Halloween at school by working on some s c a r y crafts!!!

:) Now, why don't you read this story about Halloween? It's called 'The Magic Pumpkin'.

or else this one about CREEPY CRAWLERS

AND, if you are feeling creative, fill in the blanks in this link and create YOUR OWN SPOOKY NIGHT STORY :) Looking forward to see what you wrote....

When finished why don't you do some colouring here..

Oct 13, 2009

Thursday's Poem

Every Thursday you will find a new poem for you to enjoy reading. here's the second one for you. It's about a recipe; BUT be careful before you try it out....


First you take a giant bowl
and put a waffle in it,
then you add a bunch of jam
and stir it for a minute.

After that you get a cup
and fill it up with custard,
then dump it in with mushroom soup
and just a little mustard.

Squeeze a lemon right on top,
add peanut butter—oodles,
but don’t forget the applesauce
and two big scoops of noodles.

Then nuke it in the microwave.
That’s it, you’ve got a winner.
Get the plates out now and yell,
“Come and get it! Dinner!”