Our Golden Rules

In our class we have a set of rules which all the kids are happy to follow...

- be kind
- do be gentle
- do look after property
- do listen and show respect
- do work hard
- do be honest


Apart from the five golden rules all children must MAKE IT EASY FOR EVERYONE TO LEARN AND FOR THE TEACHER TO TEACH

This means that children have to
- begin and end the lesson in a polite and orderly way

- listen carefully

- remain smart and neat

- be punctual

- follow instructions

- work hard

- ask for help when you need it.

- help each other without distracting anyone

- put your hand up to answer a question.

- be sensible at all times

- do all their homework and hand it in on time.

- finish eating before coming into a classroom.

- be polite to visitors


- line up sensibly

- walk in corridors

- avoid pushing in stairs

- be ready to help by opening doors

- keep to the right along crowded corridors and stairs

Monthly certificates will be awarded to those students who gain most points in the code-of-conduct monthly charts.