Sep 26, 2011

Dear Parents...

Welcome to Year 4. This will be a positive year for your child as we will be building on past successes and learn new things. Whenever home and school work together, your child’s chances of improvement in social skills and academically will be strengthened. Briefly, here is some useful information about our class.

School starts at 8:30am. Students must be punctual and proceed to line-up with the rest of the class for the morning assembly.

Very soon, I will forward to you a detailed time-table with specific slots dedicated to music, P.E and other lessons that require certain equipment or clothing. Please be sure your child has everything in order on such days.

Each day, your child will bring his/her home folder that contains homework and other notes. It is important that you check this everyday and make sure that tasks at home are done every day. Please support and talk with your child about the importance of completing this homework. Homework tasks, usually, do not take up more than 45-50 minutes.

After the first day at school your child will be bringing you a sheet that explains copybooks that we use in our class. Check that out too and make sure that everything is in order.

I look forward to work closely with you all and to have a successful school-year.