Oct 29, 2008

RICE SALAD is served @ our class...

As part of our comenius project, our class decided to serve a tasty rice salad on Monday 27th October. Thanks also to our P.E teacher, a special lesson on adopting a healthy balanced diet was first carried out. For this lesson, we also made use of the interactive whiteboard for the very first time. On Monday we used sweet corn, green, red, orange and yellow peppar, black olives, green olives, capers, tomatoes as well as tuna. Everything mixed into some exquisite rice. The whole salad was served in class during break. It took us about 90 minutes in the end, but it was sooo delicious... We suggest you try it out too.. :)

Oct 10, 2008

Animal Awareness Day

On Friday October 10th, Animal Awareness Day was celebrated inside our school. Everyone was invited to bring over his pets for the day. Parents were also invited to our school yard. All pets were put on show during the morning session. At 11 0'clock everyone gathered once again inside the yard and watched a fantastic exhibition by professional dog breeders who were specially invited over. After the dog show, every class put up a mini-sketch and had a message to send out!