Apr 26, 2007

Healthy Breakfast Day

April 26th: All children had breakfast in class. Following a brief discussion on the importance of starting the day on a positive note, breakfast was served inside the class room.

It included cereals, a wide variety of yogourts, fruit, raisins, biscuits, sultanas, milk and also fruit.

For more information on how to eat healthy you can also view the following websites:



Apr 3, 2007


April 2nd was our Sports Day. We linked with other year 4 students from around 20 other schools and took part in what turned out to be a very active day. We practiced various skills from different kinds of sport disciplines such as hockey, football, basketball, handball, rugby.

We also practiced various other skills including passing, dribbling, running, balancing, hurdling, jumping and also teamwork! All the games were enjoyable and a big thank you goes to all the P.E. teachers who organized the event. We look forward to build on the skills learned today..!