Sep 18, 2008

Welcome to a new scholastic year

Welcome to a new scholastic year...! It's been a long, hot summer and now it's that time again of the year when we meet again at school.

Please find the list you will need to bring with you during the first week of school:

- 6 double lined copybooks (rigi dojoq; 48 pages)
- 6 single lined copybooks (rigi wesghin; 48 pages)
- 1 scrapbook (A4 size)
- 1 file (2 rings, A4 size)
- 3 plastic folders (with labels)
- 3 flat files (with labels)
- 1 drawing book
- 1 box of coloured pencils / crayons
- 1 ruler, 2 pencils, rubber & sharpener
- 1 green biro
- 1 UHU stick (glue)
- 1 small notebook

Have a nice weekend!