'The right book at the right pair of hands' One of the main targets this year was to promote guided reading in our class. This has been a big success and a weekly slot gives our students the chance to read one book per week that is best to their ability. All books were selected from the wide range of
Big Cats reading scheme. Class was divided into four groups and every group read a different book every week. This was also made possible largely thanks to the help and support by Ms. Diane - our complimentary teacher in our school.
What do you, students, think of these lessons? Did you enjoy reading these books? Did you find them attractive? Tell us why! You can leave your comments underneath this post.
I enjoy reading books in clASS.
Timothy Stivala.
:) it was fun reading
lorenzo zammit
yes I like it becouse I like reading books
I had fun reading in class, it was a great activity. Reading if fun for everyone.
i like guided reading
i had so much fun reading
Well done to Mr Tabone, Ms Tonna
and all the class.
Keep it up!!
Ms R Azzopardi
i enjoy reading
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